

There are factors to consider before, during and after visiting and engaging with remote community members.

Here you’ll find some advice and materials to assist you though the different stages of your engagement process.

Planning steps
Remote community essentials 

Get bush ready

  • Consult BushTel
  • Enrol new staff in the Remote Engagement Essentials Workshop
Collaborate With Other Levels of Government

Collaborate with other levels of government

  • Collaborate with the NT Government, Local Government and Non-Government service providers.
  • Coordinate your preparation by checking what other programs and services are in the community; what is currently happening and who is visiting
Decide If the Visit is Needed 

Decide if the visit is needed

  • Think about whether this intended visit is actually necessary.
  • Could you call and speak over the phone?
  • Could you postpone the trip until other service providers with a common goal are visiting the same community?
Get the Community Ready 

Get the community ready

  • Work with the community and talk to people who know the community to confirm stakeholder availability to meet before you travel.
  • If community stakeholders agree that you should visit to meet with them, it is time to engage the Aboriginal Interpreter Service.
  • Meet and brief the interpreter on the reason for your visit to allow them to prepare for the meeting.
Visit the Community 

Visit the community

  • When you visit the community and have your meeting, make sure to share information, get input from everyone involved and record issues.
  • Be visible and transparent to ensure people are aware government agencies are in town and the reason why.
Record Decisions From the Meeting

Record decisions from the meeting

  • Be sure to record key points from the meeting, especially any decisions that are made.
  • When the meeting is finished, use your notes to debrief with the interpreter and ensure the meeting has been accurately recorded.
Report back

Report back

  • Feed information into relevant electronic systems.
Advise the Relevant Agency

Advise the relevant agency

  • Share the information and decisions with appropriate agencies relevant to the project.
Get Back to the Community – Close the Loop

Get back to the community – Close the loop

  • It is extremely important to contact the community and stakeholders and advise of any outcomes or progress.
  • Closing the loop in this way builds trust in stakeholder relationships and keeps communities informed.
Last updated: 28 Aug 2023